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Fleetwood Mac - Landslide

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Titre : Landslide

Année : 1975

Auteurs compositeurs : Stevie Nicks

Pochette : Herbert Worthington

Durée : 3 m 17 s

Label : Reprise Records

Référence : 54 043

Présentation : Extrait de l'album "Fleetwood Mac (1975)"

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I took my love, and I took it down
I climbed a mountain, and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
Till the landslide brought me down

Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Hmm, hmm, I don't know, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm

Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder, children get older
I'm getting older too, so

I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I, I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder, children get older
I'm getting older too
I'm getting older too, so

Take this love, take it down
Oh, if climb a mountain and you turn around
If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well, the landslide will bring you down, down

And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well, maybe the landslide will bring it down
Well, well, the landslide will bring it down
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3 commentaires
morphee Le 07/05/2024 à 19:17
À classer parmi les prétendants au titre de leur meilleure chanson.
Trocol Harum Le 08/05/2024 à 02:08
Une version en français, sous le même titre, "Landslide" est interprétée par Allison Russel alors qu'en portugais, Liah chante "Desertos".
Une parodie religieuse, "Eve looks back" est chantée par ApologetiX
morphee Le 08/05/2024 à 04:27
Bein, ça fera un joli VO-VF !

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