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Burt Bacharach - Trains and boats and planes

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Trains and boats and planes

Année : 1965

Auteurs compositeurs : Burt Bacharach, Hal David

Durée : 2 m 51 s

Label : London

Référence : HAR 8233

Présentation : Adapté en français par Claude François, "Quand un bateau passe".

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Trains and boats and planes are passing by
They mean a trip to Paris or Rome
To someone else but not for me
The trains and boats and planes
Took you away, away from me

We were so in love, and high above
We had a star to wish upon, wish
And dreams come true, but not for me
The trains and boats and planes
Took you away, away from me

You are from another part of the world
You had to go back a while and then
You said you soon would return again
I'm waiting here like I promised to
I'm waiting here but where are you

Trains and boats and planes took you away
But every time I see them I pray
And if my prayers can cross the sea
The trains and the boats and planes
Will bring you back, back home to me

Trains and boats and planes took you away
But every time I see them I pray
And if my prayers can cross the sea
The trains and the boats and planes
Will bring you back, back home to me
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1 commentaire
morphee Le 09/02/2023 à 17:14
Cette version originale est interprétée (de façon non créditée) par le groupe vocal de chanteuses de studio (ou Girl group en anglais) The Breakaways.

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