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Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Jordan - Stone cold dead in the market (He had it coming)

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Titre : Stone cold dead in the market (He had it coming)

Année : 1999

Auteurs compositeurs : Wilmoth Houdini

Durée : 2 m 40 s

Label : MCA Records

Référence : ‎MCAD2-11907

Présentation : Chanson de 1946, emblématique de la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes.

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He's stone-cold dead in de market
He's stone-cold dead in de market
He's stone-cold dead in de market
I killed nobody but me husband
Last night I went out drinking
When I came home, I gave her a beating
So she catch up the rolling pin and went to work on my head
Till she bash it in
I lie cold dead in de market
Stone-cold dead in de market
I lie cold dead in de market
She killed nobody but her husband
I lick him wit' thee pot and thee fryin' pan
I lick him wit' thee pot and thee fryin' pan
I lick him wit' thee pot and thee fryin' pan
And if I kill him, he had it coming
Man, he's stone-cold dead in de market
He's stone-cold dead in de market
He's stone-cold dead in de market
I killed nobody but me husband
My family they swearin' to kill her
My family they swearin' to kill her
His family they swearin' to kill me
And if I kill him, he had it coming
I lie cold dead in the market, child
Cold dead in the market, child
I lie cold dead in the market
She kill nobody but her husband
There is one thing that I am sure
He ain't goin' to beat me no more
So I tell you that I doesn't care
If I was to die in the electric chair
Man, he's stone-cold dead in de market
He's stone-cold dead in de market
He's stone-cold dead in de market
I killed nobody but me husband
Hey, child, I'm coming back and bash you on your head one more time
No, no, man, you can't do that
You stone-cold dead in de market, murderer
Stone-cold dead in de market, de criminal
He's stone-cold dead in de market
I killed nobody but me husband
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