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Cerrone - Laisser toucher (feat. Katherine Ellis)

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Laisser toucher (feat. Katherine Ellis)

Année : 2007

Auteurs compositeurs : David Fairstein - Marc Cerrone

Pochette : Kim

Durée : 3 m 34 s

Label : Malligator Préférence – PIAS

Référence : 317.0701.070

Présentation : Extrait du vingtième album de Cerrone intitulé Celebrate !.
la partie vocale est assurée par la chanteuse anglaise Katherine Ellis connue aussi pour avoir été choriste de Belinda Carlisle, Roger Sanchez, Shaka Khan ou encore Boy George.

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I want to dance
Take me by the hand
And work me on the dance floor
I just want to dance
And work me on the dance floor
On the dance floor

I′m on my way, the fun is to dance
But you seem to think I need romance
So there's a way to make me hot
All you gotta do is touch me in the right spot
I know you think that it must be easy
Wonder what you can do to please me
Don't let your fantasies go too far
′Cause what you′ve got to do
Is touch my heart

Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher

Touch me here and do it just right
And you will come home with me tonight
We'll find the place that drives me wild
And forever I promise I wanna give you all my heart
I know you think that it must be easy
Wonder what you can do to please me
Don't let your fantasies go too far
′Cause what you've got to do
Is touch my heart

Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher

I want to dance
Take me by the hand
And work me on the dance floor
I just want to dance
And work me on the dance floor
On the dancefloor

Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
Laisser toucher
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